I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't like this at all, your latest submissions have been very bad, at least compared to your old classics. It seems that you are going downhill, you are also, to be blunt, highly over-rated, people think you are so much better than you actually are. Also, I have been reading some recent reviews, and I find some people to be major suck-ups, I however prefer to be blunt. Anyways, I feel that the newest three are way downhill. Also, it seems that many people have been revering you as some sort of "god", so to speak, like, asking you to, like, check out their music, or even reviewing or voteing on it is strictly forbidden, like you can't be pals with the gods. Frankly, it would be nice if you were more down to earth, a good thing to do would be to review some good, new artist, give encouragement, and constuctive critisim to them! It would definitly mean alot to alot of people, in fact, they'd probably be thinking, "Oh, the King of the Portal reviewed my work, yes! I'm so happy!" That sort of thing. Anyways, Keep getting better!