Fun game, but...
While this is a fun game, it's also a flash game. No person in their right mind is going to pay for a damn flash game. Especially not for, as most others have said, something as simple as a save function. Save points should be built in, like at every 5 waves. You shouldn't have to pay for something like that. It's bullshit, and makes it really unfun when you have to start again from scratch.
With that aside, the actual gameplay was fun, except it was kind of buggy. At one point, every time I tried to repair the barricades, it'd pop me into a fullscreen mode like in a youtube video. Undoubtedly because of that mochigames integration. The only thing I didn't really like was the fact that the viewable area moved with the cursor. This made it hard to play (at least for me). A better thing to to, in my opinion, would have been to make the character the center of the screen at all times, instead of having the cursor move the screen around.
In the end, I'm having to give this a zero because of all of its shortcomings. If you were to strip away the mochigames part of the game, or at least resubmit it so that the resubmitted version had a free save feature, this would get either a nine out of ten, or a ten out of ten. Keep making games like this (albeit without anythign from mobchigames)!